Documenting the days of District past
We are currently rebuilding our site. This section in particular requires some work to add additional content and photos, to existing and new articles. Please revisit for new content.
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Reds called up to successful Kent FA squad
Henry, Jake and Kian were called up for the county this weekend, and competed in the U11s tournament in St Omer, France.
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12th Annual Race Night fundraiser
On Saturday 26th March, we will be holding our major fundraising event of the year. The proceeds of which help fund the district team activities. Please support us in providing opportunities for players within the district.
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Reds in fine form against St. Albans
Last Saturday, our Red team travelled to St. Albans to compete in a respresentive match.
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Reds observe a period of commemoration
Prior to their Championship match against Tonbridge and Malling, both teams paid their respects with a period of silence.
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Reds start the season with 4-1 friendly win over Medway
A good start from our boys Championship team, after one training session, and having never played together before.
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